Written Statements

Why do you want to go to the MSA?

The UK has always been in mind for my post-secondary education. The architectural consideration is much more prominent in its society and I feel that overall, the UK holds better opportunities in the field. The MSA is my top choice because of how its BA course is designed. By the end of the three years I can expect to not just learn the fundamentals of architecture but be able to apply it and form my own individual style which I feel is essential for the work industry. This is a school that effectively prepares students for life after university. It is exactly what I am looking for and is why I would love to go to this school!


Review of a Recent Building:

As I am in the midst of IB examinations, the Richmond Hill Public Library has become my second home. Though its architecture may appear bland at first glance, after numerous hours it becomes clear why this place is the optimal place to study. From its selectively frosted windows that make for a beautiful view of the town without the sun glare, to its symmetrical geometry that is aesthetically pleasing yet non-obtrusive, the RHPL highlights the importance of factoring purpose into design for it is the attention to subtle aspects like these that make this library so popular.

What is your favourite building?

The Beijing CCTV Headquarters

Beijing’s CCTV Headquarters is impressive through purpose and creation. It is unlike the ubiquitous skyscraper for its goal is not to reach for the stars but to best accommodate the businesses within the walls. Its looping shape, held in the illusion of precarious balance is not done through any wondrous new technology but through clever combination of existing structural concepts. The CCTV Headquarters serve as a personal reminder that innovation comes not from a genius mind but from being open to looking at the world under different light. It is this key message that makes this my favourite building.

What work of architecture would you like to see in person?

Sagrada Familia

Until recently, I never really understood the allure of the Sagrada Familia. Its outward appearance is comparable to stalactites which I always felt to be unusual as it deviates from the general structured geometry of religious buildings. That is, until I found out that what I assumed to be a ragged exterior was really a cacophony of motifs and statues! The Sagrada Familia was designed from a human view. No Google image can do this church justice as it is not meant to be viewed from its full 172m height but in person!  The magnificence of story and symbolism that can only be viewed from being there is why this is a work of architecture that I absolutely must see in person.
